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The end of the semester is quickly approaching and with it comes the stress of meeting deadlines, giving finals and turning in grades. So how can you decrease this stress as we get down to crunch time? Contact the Exercise Professional Majors Club to help you get through this end of semester rush and give you some good tips to get you through the holiday season.

Made up of exercise science majors, we offer you the opportunity to meet with us for exercise classes personalized just for your department or office, stretching and relaxation sessions before a big end of semester meeting or simply an information session on exercising over the holidays, nutrition advice, and ways to stay motivated. So contact us and let us help you get through this hectic and stressful time of year.

President: Staci Kasianchuk
Vice Presidents: Kevin Fallon
Cassie Roma
Treasurer: Amanda Smith
Secretary: Jen Messinger

Let the Exercise Professional Majors Club Help You! | 0 Comments |
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