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Public Safety Alert

Contributed by David Maley on 11/14/05 

On Saturday, November 12, two male students reported to the Office of Public Safety that they had been harassed by three unknown male subjects inside the Emerson Hall residence hall.

According to the students, the incident began at 11:45 p.m. when they were outside of Emerson Hall and one of the subjects made a derogatory remark about the sexual orientation of one of the students. After a verbal exchange between the two parties, the students entered Emerson. The unknown subject, accompanied by two others, entered the building and engaged in a physical confrontation with the student victims. The three fled the scene when the victims threatened to contact the Office of Public Safety. Both victims received minor facial injuries that required no treatment at the scene.

The alleged perpetrators were described by the victims as follows:

Subject #1—White male, approximately 5’ 9” tall, with a stocky build and short dirty blonde hair, wearing a white shirt, black knee-length leather jacket, and blue jeans.

Subject #2—White male, 5’ 8” to 5’ 10” tall, with a stocky build and short blonde hair in a buzz-cut style, wearing thin rim glasses and a black leather jacket, white t-shirt, and jeans.

Subject #3—White male, 5’ 8” to 5’ 10” tall, with a stocky build and possibly blonde medium-length hair, wearing a black leather jacket, t-shirt, and jeans.

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the Office of Public Safety at 274-3333.

Students should always report any suspicious people and/or activity. In cases of emergency, dial 9-1-1.

Public Safety Alert | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Public Safety Alert Comment from afoulke1 on 11/14/05
Public Safety Alert Comment from ajacobs1 on 11/14/05
While no one was seriously injured in this incident, as someone who was personally involved i am a little upset by the identification of the situation as "harassment". After writing out witness statements, we were told that under New York state law that what happened did not qualify as a "Hate Crime". And while i trust the IC faculty to know the ins and outs of state law, i was deeply affected by the anger and hatred aimed at my friends simply because they refused to be ashamed of their sexual orientation.