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Students and faculty from the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance presented papers at the MARC meeting in Harrisburg, PA on November 11 and 12, 2005.

John David Kato, a graduate student in the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences presented the paper, “The Effects of Multiple vs. Single Bouts of Exercise on 24-h Blood Pressure Status,” at the recent meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine. Co-authors on his paper were ESS faculty members Gary Sforzo and Tom Swensen.

Also presenting at the meeting was ESS faculty member Jeff Ives and Associate Dean Janet Wigglesworth. Professor Ives was invited to speak at a symposium on alternative medicine and its implications for exercise science professionals, and Dean Wigglesworth was invited to speak at a symposium on data display and visual effects.

Exercise Science Graduate Student and Faculty Present at Conference | 0 Comments |
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