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Public Safety Alert

Contributed by David Maley on 11/15/05 

On Friday, November 11, at about 8:30 p.m. in the Terrace 11 residence hall, a female student reported to the Ithaca College Office of Public Safety that while exiting from the shower in the women’s bathroom she observed an unknown male leaving the shower area of the bathroom in an unknown direction.

The victim described the subject as a male, 5’7” to 5’11” tall, wearing a gray sweatshirt and a black baseball hat. She was unable to provide a further description.

Anyone with information about this incident, or who has experienced a similar incident, should contact the Office of Public Safety at 274-3333. Students should always report any suspicious people and/or activity.

Public Safety Alert | 8 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Public Safety Alert Comment from sconsta1 on 11/15/05
This is kind of ridiculous. I mean the whole reporting of this incident. If
the girl felt as if the guy was in the bathroom watching here, or if the
guy was standing outside the shower stalls, then that would be reason to
report. But according to this it just seems as if the guy was using the
bathroom... it was probably just someone on the floor's bf or friend. He
probably wasn't trying to invade anyone's privacy he just needed to pee.
Public Safety Alert Comment from pdownin1 on 11/15/05
Do you live in the Terraces? Because if you did, you would know that once you walk into the bathroom, on your left, very visibly, are bathroom stalls. To your right, however, is a CURTAINED OFF section. Once in this section, there are three showers. One is basically see-through. The other two are also curtains, and are very easy to see through if looked at correctly. The fact that a GUY was in a curtained off section and was looking at someone NAKED...and since I live there, I think I know the story a little better... so I don't think it's polite or considerate of you to treat this situation like you are. You would be freaked out if it happened to you.

Oh, and it's a co-ed floor, so if there was a 'bf or friend' as you suggested this person was, I'm pretty sure the person they were visiting would have told them there was a male bathroom about 20 ft away
Public Safety Alert Comment from rcalley1 on 11/15/05
That's all well and good but you're both getting caught up in speculation. The fact is the incident alert says NOTHING about ANYONE LOOKING ANYWHERE AT ANYTHING. Yes, i like caps lock... but i'm trying to make a point. These reports are notoriously vague and only serve to make the college look like they're doing something about these sorts of situations. If anyone ever benefits from one of these alerts, I think that's great... but until that happens I wish they'd stop clogging my inbox. And that's my two cents.
Public Safety Alert Comment from pdownin1 on 11/15/05
and i know the i know the story, it was scary and maybe if guys werent such sleazes, your inbox wouldnt be getting crammed
Public Safety Alert Comment from jlittle1 on 11/15/05
yea i agree with pam, guys are sleezes
Public Safety Alert Comment from rcalley1 on 11/15/05
i don't think it's very appropriate to start calling names here kids, I was simply pointing out how incredibly vague the report was and how it's not really going to help anyone at all - it isn't really cramming my inbox I have g-mail. i'm not trying tao downplay any discomfort the girl might have felt or the grossness of what the guy was doing - all I'm saying is the report doesn't have enough information in it for an average ithaca college student to help in any way and in fact it trivializes the situation to have such a serious infraction of that girl's privacy to be made public without any concrete information that might make some indication of who the skeez actually is.
Public Safety Alert Comment from srolles1 on 11/17/05
What is a harassment to one person may not be a harassment to someone else. Who is to say whether this girl is right or wrong for feeling violated? It doesn't matter what that guy was doing there. If she felt threatened then it is a problem. Our dorms are supposed to be a safe place, and if someone feels that they are not safe then their concerns should be addressed with respect. At the very least, rules about males not being in the women's bathroom should be better enforced.
Public Safety Alert Comment from ascott1 on 11/17/05
you guys are dumb