What does the civil rights movement mean to you today?
What about the movement is still moving today?
What lessons of Dr. King’s do we need to be reminded of?
We’re looking for creative submissions in a flash animation format to help us celebrate this year’s MLK Day on January 16, 2006. A winner will be selected over winter break and unveiled at the MLK breakfast on the 16th.
LENGTH: No longer than one minute
FORMAT: Flash animation burned to a CD and submitted to Deb Mohlenhoff in the CSLI office (319 Egbert Hall) no later than December 15th, 5:00 p.m. Submissions can also be emailed to Deb at dmohlen@ithaca.edu
PLEASE INCLUDE: With the CD, please include your name, your class year, and an e-mail and phone number where you can be reached over winter break.
CRITERIA: The MLK Week planning committee will be judging the entries based on relavance to the topic, creativity, and message.
PRIZE: The winner will receive a 2GB iPod Nano.