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I am pleased to announce the formation of the President's Advisory Committee on Diversity. This important committee will be co-chaired by Marie Garland, assistant professor of organizational communication, learning, and design, and Roger Richardson, assistant vice president for student affairs and campus life.

The committee membership and charge are as follows:

Margaret Adams, Associate Director, OMA Academic Services
Mary Askew, Administrative Assistant, Web Systems and Departmental Services
Ebony Blue '06, ALANA student representative
Traevena Byrd, Director, Affirmative Action and EEO Office
Darese Doskal-Scaffido, Associate Director, Residential Life/Judicial Affairs
Howard Erlich, Dean of Humanities and Sciences
Jen Genova '08, SGA Director of Diversity Council
Vivia Hill, Senior Assistant Director, Office of Admission
Terry Martinez, Director, Center for Student Leadership and Involvement
Lisa Maurer, Coordinator LGBT Education Outreach Services
Dan McCarey '06, SGA Executive Board
Leslie Schettino, Director, Support Services Students with Disabilities
Larry Shinagawa, Director, Center for Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity
John Sigg, Associate Professor and Chair, Exercise and Sport Sciences
Mary Tomaselli, Staff Development Manager, Human Resources

Committee Charge:

The President’s Advisory Committee on Diversity serves to coordinate and integrate diversity planning and programmatic initiatives for the College. It shall be the responsibility of the committee to ensure that the College continues to make progress towards achieving the goals of the diversity priority of the Institutional Plan and that the recommendations of the Presidential Task Force on Diversity are fully considered and implemented as appropriate. The committee will be a resource to campus committees, groups, and offices advising on how to ensure comprehensive and coordinated delivery of diversity programming, educational experiences, and services. The committee also is charged with serving as a resource for high profile campus events and experiences with diversity themes such as orientation programming, diversity curriculum development, and first-year seminars. The committee is advisory to the President.

I appreciate the willingness of members of the committee to serve the College community in this capacity and look forward to the work we will do together.

President Peggy R. Williams

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