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The Ithaca College chapter of Phi Kappa Phi held its annual fall awards and induction ceremony on Friday, November 11.

Professors Stephen Peterson (music) and Frederik Kaufman (philosophy/religion) were inducted into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.

The PKP Presidential Awards were also presented at the ceremony. Named after distinguished Ithaca College faculty members who are past presidents of Phi Kappa Phi, these awards are made to students achieving the highest level of academic performance combined with exceptional depth and breadth of interest and outstanding community service. The following students were presented with PKP Presidential Awards:

  • Dominick DiOrio -- Shirley Hockett Scholar
  • Andrew Dippell -- John Harcourt Scholar
  • Matthew Pearsall -- John Bernard Scholar
  • Joseph Wladkowski -- Raquib Zaman Scholar

In addition, twelve students were recognized for their excellent academic and outstanding leadership achievements. For more information, please see

Faculty Inducted and Students Honored at the Phi Kappa Phi Fall Awards and Induction Ceremony | 0 Comments |
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