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The IC Department of Theatre Arts presents a benefit staged reading of WISHING ACES by New Orleans Playwright Rosary O'Neill, a prophetic play about four people trapped by a hurricane in a New Orleans railroad station.

The reading will be presented on Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at 7:00 PM in the Clark Theatre, Dillingham Center, Ithaca College. A talkback with the playwright will occur immediately following the staged reading, which is directed by Assistant Professor James Utz.
All proceeds will go to the Southern Repertory Theatre in New Orleans which suffered damage from looting and the cancellation of it's season in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Suggested Donation: $5 at the door.
Presented by the IC Theatre Department's Guest Artist Committee.
For more information, contact the IC ticket office at 607-274-3224.

Benefit Reading of Hurricane Play by New Orleans Playwright | 0 Comments |
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