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On Tuesday, December 6, 2005, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., we will be participating in a Web conference entitled "Electronic Portfolios: Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Assessment." This conference is open to interested faculty, staff, and administrators, and will be held in the north meeting room, Campus Center.

As the College considers the recommendation from the Core Experience Task Force for all students to develop a "learning portfolio [that] is a personalized, purposeful collection of an individual’s work that demonstrates individual and collective growth, achievement, and learning over time," it will be important especially for faculty to become informed about learning portfolios in general and particularly the portfolio process, whether traditional or electronic. It would be good for each academic department to have at least one member attend so that this information can be shared effectively across the College.

Visit for further information about the conference.

Electronic Portfolios: Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Assessment Web Conference | 0 Comments |
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