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Beginning this fall, the Park School will require all incoming first-year students to purchase a laptop equipped with a uniform software suite. The laptop program will allow faculty to increase integration of computer applications in the classroom, and eventually reduce the demand for fixed-station labs within the school.

The laptop program proposal has been under discussion for a year, and was evaluated by Information Technology Planning and Advisory Committee (ITPAC), which made a positive recommendation to the President.

Support for the program will be provided through reallocation and cooperation with Information Technology Services (ITS).

Park School announces laptop program for incoming freshmen | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Park School announces laptop program for incoming freshmen Comment from cdebrig1 on 12/01/05
This sounds great, however - being a student comming from a lower income family, I am very concerned for those freshmen who may not have the money available to make the purchase on their own. Will this be included into those incomming park student's tuition costs and be eligable to be covered by their financial aid packages and loans? This should be addressed if it has not been already.
Park School announces laptop program for incoming freshmen Comment from btrosie1 on 12/03/05
What about majors that aren't based heavily on computer software such as
IMC, OCLD, and Journalism? Our tuition money goes towards fixed-
station labs and they are very impressive (partially one of the reasons I
decided on coming to Ithaca). What purpose will they serve if everyone is
forced to buy a computer? What will take their place?