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As we approach the convergence of many religious and cultural holidays in December, members of the Ithaca College community are asked to please take the following thoughts into consideration:

In recognition and celebration of the diversity among members of the Ithaca College community, individuals, offices, and departments wishing to decorate or visually observe holidays are encouraged to do so with a spirit of education and inclusiveness. We should be sensitive to the fact that the College community is made up of people from various religious and cultural traditions. Decorations, especially in public spaces, should represent that diversity in order to provide a welcoming atmosphere for all.

For more information and guidelines regarding three major traditions, see Holiday Decorations under the Council Activities menu on the Interfaith Council website.

Holiday Decorations/Celebration Statement | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Holiday Decorations/Celebration Statement Comment from jandrew on 12/01/05
I am in total agreement with the college's statement about holiday decorating and celebrating with a mind to cultural diversity. But why is it that the faculty-staff holiday luncheon is so blatently Christmas oriented?

Judith Andrew
Holiday Decorations/Celebration Statement Comment from ewiberg1 on 12/01/05
I agree that holidays should be all inclusive but i dont think that decorating one should be reprimanded if they decorate their room with christmas ornaments or what have you. In my personal opnion, it is fine to express whatever religious thing you have going for you. If I walk into someones room decked out with hanukkah goodness, I'm not going to feel left out if I'm christian. Common now, does this seem to be a tad ridiculous?