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Due to the College holiday break, the payroll office would like to inform you of important due dates and pay dates for the month of December:

Friday, December 2nd: Biweekly payday

Friday, December 9th: TRFs for pay period 11/28-12/11/05 are due to payroll by 10 a.m.

Thursday, December 15th: Semimonthly payday.

Friday, December 16th: TRFs for pay period 12/12/05-12/25/05 due to payroll by 10 a.m.
*Please note that this date is early due to the College holiday break beginning on December 23rd.

Friday, December 16th: Biweekly payday.

Thursday, December 22nd: Biweekly and Semimonthly checks available for pickup in payroll or bursar's office. These checks will be dated December 30th and cannot be cashed before then. Monies for direct deposit will be made available on December 30th.

Friday, December 30th: Last biweekly and semimonthly paydays of 2005.

For the 2006 biweekly and semimonthly pay schedules, please check the payroll office website:

Important Payroll dates for December | 0 Comments |
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