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Child rights activist Kimmie Weeks will speak on December 1 at 7 pm in Williams 323.

Kimmie Weeks has worked to alleviate poverty and human suffering in Africa and around the world since he was fourteen. Weeks was born in Liberia, West Africa in 1981. At the young age of nine he came face to face with civil war, human suffering, and death. At age eleven, he committed himself to creating a better world for childrean. Ever since, his life has been a journey toward fulfilling this committment. Over the years, Weeks has formed partnerships and led organizations that have provided education to thousands of students in West Africa, lobbied the disarmament of child soldiers, and provided health care and recreation supplies to children.

This event is free and open to the public.

Event brought to you by Amnesty International, African-Latino Society, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Students for a Just Peace, Boundless Ethics, and MAUYA African Students Association.

For more information, please visit or contact Sarah Kessler at

Childhood Under Threat: A Journey to Save the World's Children | 0 Comments |
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