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A memorial service will be held on Sunday, December 11, to celebrate the life of Ithaca College senior Trevor Jahn, who was killed in an automobile accident on November 23. The service, which will be attended by members of Trevor’s family, is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. in Muller Chapel.

Trevor was an applied economics major at the College and a cadet in the Army ROTC program at Cornell University. Condolence messages to his family and friends and stories about Trevor can be posted in the obituaries section at His family will be establishing a memorial fund in his name; the College will provide more information about the fund as it becomes available.

Grief counseling services are available from the Ithaca College Counseling Center at 274-3136 and through the College chaplains. I also encourage members of the campus community to reach out to friends, colleagues, advisers, and others who can offer support during such difficult times.

Brian McAree
Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life

Memorial Service for Trevor Jahn at Muller Chapel | 0 Comments |
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