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Allison Lau (Biology '07) has been chosen for the Fall 2005 Frederick Kastenbaum Award. The award is available through the Premedical Sciences and is awarded each semester. The funds are to be used for assistance with preparation for the required standardized exams associated with admittance to graduate health programs.

Recipients of the award must have a clear indication of career goals and reasons for pursuing those goals, clear indication of how the money will be used to prepare for the exams, and a record of academic performance that is competitive for admission to the indicated graduate program

Allison Lau (Biology '07) Wins Premed Award | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Allison Lau Wins Premed Award because she's awesome! Comment from jkleing1 on 12/08/05
Congradulations to Allison!!! She deserves this award because of all her hard work. And I would know because I'm her neighbor.
I saw it coming miles away. Comment from kfernan1 on 12/08/05
If you knew how much time Allison puts into her school work you would not be surprised by this achievement. It was just a matter of time before she was rewarded by her hard work. Keep up the good work Allison. Now we have an excuse to celebrate and hang out :). Congratulations.