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Earlier this year, President Williams and the members of President’s Council charged Dean Saunders and me with the task of creating a diversity website. This website should offer a flavor of the initiatives -- both in the classroom and out -- within the IC community that deal with diversity and tolerance.

We are pleased to announce that the diversity website is now online at This website is ever evolving, giving us a vehicle to showcase the activities that our students, faculty, and staff are involved with.

As President Williams writes in her remarks on the website: "It is impossible to convey every facet of diversity at Ithaca College within one website. It is our hope, however, that members of the campus community will use this as one tool to help learn how the College 'accepts, reflects, and celebrates diversity,' which is one of the goals of the institutional plan."

I hope you will visit this website frequently, and if you have something you are involved with, please share it with us.

Roger Richardson
Assistant Vice-President for Student Affairs and Campus Life

Announcement of Diversity Website | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Announcement of Diversity Website Comment from vestabrook on 12/08/05
Thank you. This is a great beginning!