Ithaca College Staff, Faculty, and Retirees,
The Office of Human Resources cordially invites you to celebrate the Holidays and the End of the Year at the 2005 Ithaca College Holiday Luncheon.
The luncheon will be held on December 16th at 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. in the Terrace Dining Hall. Everyone is welcome to stay for all the festivities or drop by for a quick bite to eat. Visit with friends, acquaintances, and colleagues from the past and present. Provided this year is a buffet lunch, music from the IC Voices, and a Holiday Gift Raffle** for all to enjoy.
President Williams also encourages staff and faculty who would like to participate in the Gift of Reading program with the IC Theatre and the Family Reading Partnership, to bring a new children's book to the Holiday Luncheon event.
** Remember if your name is drawn for the raffle you must be present to receive the gift!