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Senior Athletic Training major Kelly McAree has won a $1,000 undergraduate scholarship from the NYSATA.

Senior Athletic Training major Kelly McAree has won a $1,000 NYSATA undergraduate scholarship from the New York State Athletic Training Society for her outstanding academic performances, and professional aptitude. Kelly will receive her award at the Eastern Athletic Trainers' Assocation Annual Awards Banquet, to be held Sunday, January 8, 2005 at 6:30 PM, at the Wyndham Philadelphia at Franklin Plaza. The award is highly competitive and based on academic, clinical and professional abilities and accomplishements during her undergraduate studies as an athletic training major in the Department of Exercise & Sport Sciences. After graduation in May, 06 Kelly plans on using these funds to help defray the costs of attending an internship at the New Hampshire Musculoskeletal Institute.

Sr. Athletic Training Major Wins State Scholarship | 0 Comments |
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