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I am pleased to inform the College community that Shelley Semmler, vice
president for Institutional Advancement, has been named the CASE District II
Professional of the Year.

CASE (the Council for Advancement and Support of
Education) is this country’s most widely respected organization for
advancement, alumni relations, and marketing communications professionals in
higher education, and District II, the largest of CASE’s eight regions,
encompasses six mid-Atlantic states, the District of Columbia, Ontario, Puerto
Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The award recognizes Shelley’s outstanding leadership of the College’s
advancement program as well as her significant community service. Under her
leadership, Ithaca College’s annual fund-raising has enjoyed record-breaking
growth, and we have embarked on our first comprehensive fund-raising campaign.
Please join me in congratulating Shelley on receiving this very special honor.

President Peggy R. Williams

Semmler Receives Prestigious Award | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Semmler Receives Prestigious Award Comment from eckrich on 01/12/06
Congratulations! What a terrific honor. You're an absolutely tireless supporter of all things IC, and it's great that you've been recognized by your peers at CASE for your many outstanding contributions. Good for you....good for us. Don Eckrich
Semmler Receives Prestigious Award Comment from tempesta on 01/12/06
It is great to see Shelley honored with this award! I hope it comes with a bunch of money or a trip to an island paradise. But, even if it does not, it comes with our appreciation for all the hard work she takes on to promote Ithaca College.