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Dining Services and Conference and Event Services are pleased to announce the creation and availability of a new meeting space for 12 to 16 people in the Terrace Dining Hall west balcony.

Starting Monday, January 16, 2006 one alcove of the Terrace west balcony will be set aside as a reservable space, specifically for meetings during meal times.

Since this new meeting room is located inside a working dining hall, it will be different from other meeting rooms on campus:

• The new Terrace Dining Hall meeting space will be open Monday to Friday, from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. while classes are in session.
• In order to attend a meeting or gain access to the Terrace Dining Hall, participants will either need to have a faculty/staff meal pass or pay cash at the door, OR the meeting planner can order paper passes from the Office of Conference and Event Services for attendees.
• The meeting space is the southern-most alcove on the west balcony, which has been set aside by a folding wall. The space contains tables and chairs, but other meeting services (audio visual, white boards, etc.) are not available.
• Catering services are not available, but all meeting participants are able to take advantage of the Terrace Dining Hall offerings.
• In order to avoid extremely long entry lines into the Dining Hall, the following meeting start times are recommended:
o 11:00 a.m. to noon on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
o 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
• The Terrace Dining Hall balcony meeting space can be reserved through the Office of Conference and Event Services by e-mailing Dining Services will place a “reserved” sign on the folding wall.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Conference and Event Services or Dining Services.

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