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MLK at Ithaca -- from the Ithacan

Contributed by John Hickey on 01/18/06 

For MLK Week the College Archives has compiled contemporary documents about Ithaca's civil rights activities with Dr. King.

The College was involved in civil rights education and action from 1960 on, with encouragement from Dr. King, who visited twice. The MLKAtIthaca webpage combines full text and images from the Ithacan and other original sources to document our activities in education on local civil rights issues, fund-raising, and voter registration. We are particularly grateful to Dr. Edward Hart, prominent local African-American physician and organizer of Ithaca's civil rights actions in the 1960s, who provided a picture of Dr. King arriving in Ithaca for this web page: MLK and the Civil Rights Movement at Ithaca College.

MLK at Ithaca -- from the Ithacan | 0 Comments |
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