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Graduating in May and not sure where your future is leading? Do you want to do something that makes a difference? Then join Teach For America at their drop in dinner and find out how!

What: Teach For America Drop In Dinner
When: Monday, January 30th, 6:30 PM
Where: Emerson Suite A

On Monday 1/30, join TFA Representatives for a Drop In Dinner and learn about the Teach For America movement to end educational inequity while eating a deliciously catered dinner! Speakers will include Ithaca alum David Vander Velden ’00 (Teach For America DC corps) and Edna Novak (Teach For America New Orleans corps).

Last year, 7 outstanding Ithaca College graduates joined the Teach For America network of over 14,000 committed leaders working to end educational inequity - from both inside and outside the classroom. Join us on Monday 1/30 to find out how you can do the same. To learn more, visit, contact

Teach For America Invites You To Drop In For Dinner! | 0 Comments |
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