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Associate Provost Search

Contributed by Cindy Neal on 01/24/06 

The Office of the Provost invites applications from qualified internal Ithaca College staff, faculty, and administrators to apply for the full-time position of associate provost to provide direction and leadership in the development and administration of the College’s academic policies and programs.

The successful candidate will participate in the development and review of institutional policy and academic program recommendations; analyze issues, conduct research, and prepare comprehensive analyses and reports related to academic and administrative matters of the Division of Academic Affairs; provide leadership on curriculum and academic policy development, expansion of existing programs, and development of new academic opportunities; provide guidance and leadership for the College’s institutional accreditation process; oversee faculty development programs, promote community relations, oversee the coordination of various projects, events, and programs of the Office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The anticipated start date for this position is June 15, 2006.

Qualifications: Doctorate and significant academic and professional experience at the senior level, preferably in higher education; excellent organizational, interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills; ability to represent the College within and outside of the College community; proven experience in curriculum development and evidence of having served on various academic/governance committees; and demonstrated ability to build and maintain collaborative working relationships with various colleagues and constituencies across a College campus.

Interested individuals should apply online at and attach a cover letter and curriculum vita/resume. Questions about the online application should be directed to the Office of Human Resources at (607) 274 1207.

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

The search committee is chaired by James Swafford, associate professor of English. Other members include:
- Susan Engelkemeyer, dean, School of Business
- Scott Hamula, associate professor of television-radio
- Terry Martinez, director, Center for Student Leadership and Involvement
- Steven Mauk, professor of music performance
- Nivedita Mukherjee, student and SGA representative
- Janet Wigglesworth, associate dean, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance

The committee will be staffed by Cindy Neal, executive assistant to the provost/VPAA and Laurie Wasik, administrative assistant to the associate provost.

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