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Business leaders need to be at the forefront of industry, especially when it comes to technology and innovation.

During the 2006 State of the Union address on January 31, Bush stressed the importance of reevaluating our current lifestyles and applying a more sustainable approach -- funding research for hybrid engines, nanotechnology, and other sustainable technologies. So, it’s no surprise that Ithaca College has embraced this developing need and is setting a precedent in creating a new sustainable, LEED platinum-rated, School of Business. Now heavily into the design phase, the architects and designers are continuing to work with the Stakeholder Team to ensure that the goal of creating an amazing home for business students is achieved. In line with sustainable architecture, each space is flexible -- promoting interaction, team learning, and opportunity to co-use areas of the building.

The building will come alive, hosting state-of-the-art technology to best utilize and conserve our natural resources. With special elements such as efficiency monitors, a building design that compliments a new eco-savvy curriculum (i.e. cost-benefit analysis on geothermal heating system), and the planned student-run and -managed café potentially hosting locally grown foods, the building will be a teaching tool -- teaching lessons students can apply in business for years to come. Emerging industries in which these lessons pertain, but are not limited to, are green marketing, socially responsible investing, and nanotechnology. Exposure to and adoption of a sustainable value system will be an asset to any organization big or small, public or private, for-profit or non-profit because it enables you to think holistically about the big picture and the impact of your actions. Apply its principles to your corporate culture (and personal life) to better utilize employees and resources to your advantage while reducing waste, loss and costs.

You are encouraged to get educated -- attend the Sustainability Speaker Series, stand up and present at the Whalen Symposium April 3, and take the initiative to research the cause on your own. Beginning at 7:00 p.m. on February 15, in Williams 225, the Sustainability Speaker Series will feature James Armstrong, Founder and Creative Director of Good For Business, who will be talking about “Marketing’s Footprints: Communication with a Conscience.” This is a great opportunity to begin your learning… your future is what you make of it; broaden your horizons and give yourself a competitive advantage over the rest. Please contact your student link to the Stakeholder Team, Kaitlin Regan (, with questions or comments, and GET GREEN, ITHACA!

Kaitlin Regan
Ithaca College School of Business
Peer Advisors | Stakeholder Team
Women's Opportunity Center Liaison

Sophisticated. Smart. Sustainable. School of Business! | 0 Comments |
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