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Two scholarship opportunities

Contributed by Ivan Topalov on 02/05/06 

The Margaret Reid Memorial Scholarship requires you to possess a cumulative grade point average (GPA) between a 2.75 and 3.599 as of March 5, 2006, demonstrate leadership qualities, and show a wide range of active participation in campus organizations.

The Ithaca College Student Government Scholarship requires you to possess a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of a 3.600 as of March 5, 2006, and have participated in a broad range of experiences on campus.

These programs are awarded to students who will have completed at least thirty credits, will not graduate in May 2006, and meet the appropriate GPA and judicial requirements. Please note that your GPA dictates the scholarship for which you are eligible to apply; you may not apply for both scholarships. Only those individuals who demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid will be considered for scholarship funds. The dollar amount of the award can vary based on available funds, the number of qualified recipients, and their level of financial need. However, it is possible that an individual may be selected to receive a recognition award, but no scholarship funds if he/she does not demonstrate financial need.

If you have been actively involved in campus organizations, are currently a need-based financial aid recipient or plan on filing for financial aid in the 2006-2007 academic year, I urge you to take advantage of these outstanding opportunities. Please remember, however, that unless you demonstrate financial need, as determined by the College, you cannot be considered for the scholarship portion of these awards.

Ithaca College uses the 2006-2007 Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) to evaluate your eligibility for this dollar portion scholarship.
You must have your FAFSA to the federal processor prior to March 1, 2006 to be considered for this award. Apply earlier if possible to ensure we have complete information on file to assess your financial need. If you are an international student you are not required to complete the FAFSA.
Information on how to apply for financial aid can be found at

Applications and related information for these scholarships are available in the Student Activities Center, 3rd Floor, Campus Center or online at The completed scholarship applications are due Friday, March 17, 2006.

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