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Professor Mohammad Zin Nordin will describe the challenges Malaysian journaists face in making the public passionate about protecting the environment.

Tuesday, February 7, 12:10 p.m. to 1:05 p.m., Room 220, Roy H. Park Hall

Professor Nordin has been involved with training environmental journalists in Malaysia -- a tropical country with a delicate ecosphere. While some Malaysians are aware of impending environmental dangers, most are not concerned enough to do anything about it.

Mohammad Zin Nordin is Ithaca College’s Fulbright Visiting Specialist this semester. He comes from Penang, Malaysia, where he is the dean of the School of Communication at Universiti Sains (University Science) Malaysia. In addition to his extensive academic background, Nordin has had a wide range of professional experience as a public relations executive, video producer, and consultant to the Malaysia Ministry of Energy, Communication, and Multimedia. He earned his doctorate in mass communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The presentation is this semester's first installment of the First Tuesdays speaker series, sponsored by the Ithacan.

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