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Are your department meetings not as productive or as dynamic as you would
like them to be? Do you have conversations with your colleauges about
wanting to improve your overall health or wanting to get started on a
regular exercise routine? Do you want to live a healthier lifestyle, but
are not sure where to start, because of all the information that is out

Let the Exercise Professionals Major Club be a part of your next
meeting! This student club consists of clinial exercise science,
exercise science, and athletic training majors. We are freshmen and seniors alike,
with a variety of interests and background experience in the field of
exercise and sport sciences. We want to provide you and your colleagues
with current up-to-date information on ways to improve you health through
actively participating in healthy lifestyle habits. All you have to do is
contact us through e-mail (see below) and we will respond by asking you to
fill-out an online form with the following information:

Name, department/group interested, possible dates and times, and topics of

As a club we will develop a wellness workshop to present to your group.
These workshops will provide you with valuable information, give you
plenty of ideas to get started, give you information on hand-outs, allow
you to ask questions, and participate or see demonstrations.

We can present as an opening or closing to your meeting, or better yet
have us be your meeting! This could be a great way to spice up that
meeting that you may not always look forward to, and it will allow you to
interact with you colleagues in a unique, motivating, and different way.

If you are interested in scheduling a wellness workshop for your
department or even just a group of co-workers of colleagues who want to
take advantage of the pertinent information the the Exercise Science
Students have to offer, please contact anyone one of the following EPMC
executive board members:

Stasi Kasianchuk, president:
Cassie Roma, vice president:
Kim Carey, secretary:
Amanda Smith:

Let the Exercise Professionals Major Club be a Part of Your Next Meeting | 0 Comments |
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