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We enrolled our largest class this spring, 21 students from majors across campus. We have a new website and invite you to visit at

We have many new and exciting internships in which our spring students are participating, including the Alliance to Save Energy, D.C. Central Kitchen, National Museum of Women in the Arts, National Governors Association, the Studio Theatre, Families USA, Atlantic Video, and the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.

We are initiating a summer program. Dates are May 20 to July 29 -- a ten-week session. An internship ranging from 2 to 6 credits is required. In addition, an optional 3-credit course, "The Media and the Military," and an optional 1-credit seminar (TBA) will be offered. This will allow students a range of 2 to 10 credits for the summer. As during the academic year, students will live in housing we lease from Boston University in the Woodley Park area of Connecticut Avenue, just north of Dupont Circle.

The fall semester is August 28 through December 15 and incorporates a 6-credit internship, 6 credits of core courses and optional 1-credit seminars.

Please take note of our summer and fall 2006 information sessions scheduled for February 15 at 6:00 p.m. and February 16 at noon, both in Park 220. I would appreciate faculty announcing these dates in class.

Information and applications are available in 111 Towers Concourse, and I can always be reached at

Thank you.

Thomas W. Bohn, Director
Washington Semester Program
111 Towers Concourse

An Update From The Washington Semester | 0 Comments |
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