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"Going Once ..Going Twice…"

Contributed by Lynne Pierce on 02/08/06 

The Senior Class proudly invites all faculty and staff to our 2006 hours celebration.

Come support the senior class gift, an endowed scholarship!

The senior class will be holding an auction to help raise funds for our scholarship. In addition, the Emerson Foundation will match all funds to the scholarship dollar for dollar, up to $25,000!

Date: Sunday, February 19
Location: IC Square
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Donation: $10
Dress: Business casual

Auction items include:
iPod Mini;
autographed “Simpsons” memorabilia;
photo print by Professor Janice Levy (associate professor of cinema and photography);
autographed Doc Severinson memorabila;
$50 gift certificate to Willow;
$50 gift certificate to Joe’s;
a gift certificate to the Columbia Inn for an overnight stay.

Click here to see the complete list of fabulous auction items.

For more information e-mail Bridgette Crawford at or Christa Lombardi at Or contact Lynne Pierce at x41155.

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