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Don't miss out -- there are still spaces left in the IC Catholic Community Retreat for faculty and staff, scheduled for the evening of Friday, March 17.

Students in the Ithaca College Catholic Community invite you to come and share with them a retreat experience in spirit, prayer, and faith. The 3-hour evening retreat, "Finding Stillness in Our Lives," will consist of individual and group reflection, guided prayer and meditation, and sharing together of personal experiences by students, faculty, and staff at Ithaca College. Director of campus ministry Mary Humenay, Father Mike Mahler, and several students will guide the group in spiritual guidance and fellowship.

When: Friday, March 17th, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Where: St. Catherine of Siena Parish Center, Ithaca, NY

R.S.V.P. soon by sending an e-mail to This retreat is open to IC faculty and staff at no charge.

Still Time to Reserve Space for Staff and Faculty Retreat! | 0 Comments |
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