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The Wellness Clinic is now offering massage therapy! This service was previously only available to Wellness Clinic members, but it has now been opened to the Ithaca College Community.

Stressed? Take a break and get a relaxing and theraputic massage today!

La Spaccavento, a licenced massage therapist from Bodyworks Massage Therapy, will be at the Wellness Clinic Thursdays and Fridays from noon until 2:00 p.m. through the end of the semester.

You can sign up for a massage by e-mailing Mel Ginsberg-Stevens ( with the word "massage" in the subject line. Please make sure to include your phone number, date you would like to sign up for, and length of time you would like. The massages cost $1.00 per minute, and you can sign up for a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 60 minutes.

For more information please e-mail Mel Ginsberg-Stevens ( or call 274-1301.

Treat yourself to a Valentine's Day Massage at the Wellness Clinic | 0 Comments |
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