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Recyclemania Results

Contributed by Mark Darling on 02/11/06 

The results are in for the first week of Recyclemania, a competition between colleges and universities across the nation that provides a proactive activity in waste reduction. Ithaca College is competing in the waste minimization category and has placed number 14 in the nation disposing of 8.36 pounds of trash and recycling per person in one week.

Ithaca College is competing with 38 other schools to see which campus; including all students, faculty, staff, and administrators; produces the least amount of municipal solid waste (including both recyclables and trash) per person. Our goal is to help members of the College community to be more aware of reducing and reusing as a way of minimizing our disposal of solid waste and its negative impact on the environment. To learn more about Recyclemania, go to and click on results.

Help us in the competition and save yourself some money at the same time. Choose to reuse a mug for hot drinks at dining services retail operations on campus and get 15 cents off your beverage. Skip the paper cup and use your own reusable coffee mug.

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