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Calling hours for Robert Tallman, long-time crew coach at Ithaca, will be held Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Bangs Funeral Home in Ithaca.

Tallman, 86, passed away Monday. He was one of the pioneering figures in the development of crew at Ithaca, spending seven years as head coach of the men's crew and posting a 64-23 record. Under his direction a boathouse was built, women's rowing was begun and a men's lightweight crew was instituted. In 1975 the men's varsity 8 completed an undefeated dual-meet season with a third-place finish at the Dad Vail regatta (considered the small-college national championship event).

Tallman was inducted into the Ithaca College Athletic Hall of Fame in 2002. For the past 25 years, the outstanding oarsmen on the men's varsity crew has been given the Robert Tallman Award.

Notes can be sent to Mrs. Edith Tallman and the Tallman family at 30 Leslo Lane, Newfield, NY 14867.

A full obituary will appear in Wednesday's Ithaca Journal.

Calling Hours to be Held For Former Crew Coach Robert Tallman | 0 Comments |
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