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The Ithaca College Family Carnival will take place Friday, February 24, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Fitness Center. Proceeds from the carnival will be donated to One-to-One Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ithaca and Tompkins County.

"This is our second year partnering with Big Brothers Big Sisters," says Deborah Mohlenhoff, coordinator of community service and leadership. "We created a strong partnership with last year's event and wanted to strengthen it. We are also excited about the student group (IC Bigs) and our staff members involved with the local organization."

The Family Carnival is open to the public, and admission prices are:

Adults -- $4.00
Children and students -- $3.00
Family of five -- $15.00

Bobby K will once again have fun and games at the Carnival, including a Sponge Bob Square Pants moon-bounce, a giant slide and an inflatable obstacle course. Students groups and organizations will be hosting craft and activity tables, including face painting, mini-golf, and magnets; Best Buy will once again have a photo booth, and new this year, Home Depot will host a construction craft table. There will also be performances and demonstrations by IC's clubs and organizations, including the Circus and Hip Hop clubs.

Those carnival-goers who feel particularly lucky can take part in a raffle for prizes that include a St. Patrick's Day-themed baskets, a basket of books, an Easter basket and a princess basket. Tickets will sell for $1.00 each or six for $5.00.

For more information on "Little Moments, Big Magic," call Deborah Mohlenhoff at 607-274-1380.

IC Family Carnival: Little Moments, Big Magic | 0 Comments |
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