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How much do you know about food?
Dining Services invites you to come show your food knowledge for a chance to win a prize at our Battle of the Brains Event.

Come have dinner at any of the dining halls this Thursday, Feb. 16.
The Battle of the Brains Quiz will begin at 5:00 p.m. and a new question will be asked every 15 minutes until 7:00 p.m.
The first person with the correct answer will win a prize!

It's that simple and should be a lot of fun!

Everyone that comes to dinner is eligible to play.
(There are no sign ups, and no penalties for wrong answers)

So why not come eat some great food and play along in the Battle of the Brains?
Who knows, you may learn something too.

**Just a teaser ----- What is the name of the Pillsbury Dough Boy?

Answer: Poppin' Fresh

Brush up on your food trivia and we hope to see you there!

Battle of the Brains - Food Trivia | 0 Comments |
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