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Career Services is pleased to welcome Ithaca College alum, Mr. Kevin Rettig of MediaVest Worldwide to campus on February 22, 2006.

Mr. Rettig will be discussing 'Working In Advertising' as well as opportunities at MediaVest Worldwide. MediaVest will be attending the Central New York Communications Consortium. Refreshments will be served.

  • Date: February 22, 2006
  • Time: 7:45 p.m.
  • Location: Park Auditorium

The program is open to students of all academic years and majors, who are interested in a career in advertising. Students who would like more information about the Central New York Communications Consortium are invited to attend the Consortium Information Session at 7:00 p.m. in the Park Auditorium.

Career Services Presents: MediaVest and Working in Advertising | 0 Comments |
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