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Wind Energy in New York State

Contributed by Susanna Stumpe on 02/16/06 

Community-Owned Wind Projects in New York State

  • 4:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, February 22
  • Room 112, Center for Natural Sciences
  • Kathy Moore of Integrated Environmental Data and Loren Pruskowski of Sustainable Energy Developments will discuss their efforts to create a business model for communities within New York to develop and own utility-scale wind farms. Specifically, Loren and Kathy will discuss the work performed under the NYSERDA-funded Pre-development Activities for Community Wind in Rural Albany County project. Kathy and Loren would like to invite a brainstorm on how to apply the knowledge gained from the project to other communities.

    Brought to you by the Tompkins Renewable Energy Education Alliance and the Department of Physics.

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