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Thursday, February 23
6:00 pm
101 Career Services Office

John Bradac, Director, Career Services Office,
"Personal Statement/Interviewing Seminar".

This workshop is MANDATORY for premed students who are planning to interview this year.

Should you interview this year? The answer is yes if:

- you are planning to send in an application to med, dental, optometry, vet, PA, chiropractic school etc in the coming year
- you are a sophomore planning to apply to the early admission program
- you are sophomore in the 3-1 optometry program
- you are a senior planning to apply sometime soon, or even a few years from now.

The answer is no if:
- you have already interviewed with the premed committee - you are not a senior and you are not planning to apply in the next year (ie., you plan to wait a year)

Not sure? Please email Jean Hardwick (

Premed Students ~ MANDATORY Workshop | 0 Comments |
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