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It is with great sadness that I inform the Ithaca College community of the death of Emily "Dale" Lang. Dale passed away Tuesday, February 22, 2006, at Robert Packer Hospital. Dale was predeceased by her husband of 27 years, Lester Lang. She is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, Eric and Aubrey Lang, Kenny and Jessica Lang; also her grandson, Liam, all of Candor.

At the families' request there will be no services at this time. Arrangements are being handled by the Estey, Munroe & Fahey Funeral Home.

Dale was employed by Ithaca College Dining Services since 1989. She was working at Towers Dining Hall as a checker. Please keep her family, friends and coworkers in your thoughts and prayers.

College Mourns the Loss of Emily "Dale" Lang | 10 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
College Mourns the Loss of Emily "Dale" Lang Comment from cwyland1 on 02/26/06
I just wanted to say that I loved Dale. I spoke with her everyday last year, and she always made me feel wonderful. She was there for me through a break up, and always had something wonderful to say to me. She was a smiling face I could count on, always inquiring about how I was, and how my classes were going. Dale was an amazingly strong woman, and I respected her for everything she has gone through. I learned of her love for her sons through the stories she would tell me each day as I entered to get my lunch. I heart is with them. I mourn her passing and hope that she is in a happier place now.
College Mourns the Loss of Emily "Dale" Lang Comment from breming1 on 02/26/06
Dale swiped my card everyday at Towers this year. She will be missed and it will be noted that the days won't feel quite the same without her presence. My thoughts and positive energy go out to her family.
College Mourns the Loss of Emily "Dale" Lang Comment from esager1 on 02/26/06
Dale never failed to say hi to me when I rushed into Towers for lunch
during the week. She always had a smile and we talked about
everything... her sons, my schoolwork, tv shows, everything. She noticed
when I got my hair cut and her little compliments could get me through
any bad day. Even when her arthritis was bad or she was having a long
day, she would give me a smile and ask how I was doing. I am so
grateful for the way she treated me. She knew when I wasn't taking
enough time to eat right, and when I got too busy for meals she would
scold me. Me... just one college student out of the hundreds who passed
by her stand each day. It's the little things in life that count, and I'll
always remember Dale for the kindness she showed me. I am going to
miss her a lot.
In her honor, I just have to say that it really, really upsets me that the
college didn't send out an alert. Some of us aren't on campus this
semester; how were we to know that a friend had passed away? The
college should pick one standard to adhere to when it comes to a faculty,
staff, or students death, and stick to it. I never would have noticed this
announcement, squeezed in with all the other headlines, had someone not
IMed me. And yet we get alerts for certain deaths; ones most likely to
cause a buzz or bad press for the college. It's just not right.
Dale deserves better.
College Mourns the Loss of Emily "Dale" Lang Comment from zford1 on 02/27/06
Dale was my buddy. I greeted her every morning for the past 3 and a half semesters when I came in for breakfast. We'd chat about the weather or just any other little thing, and it was always a great way to start my day. Dale will be very missed.
College Mourns the Loss of Emily "Dale" Lang Comment from pharrio1 on 02/27/06
Dale, I'll always rememember the sweet, kind, loving, caring person you were. Dale is a gem, and we were lucky to have her in our lives; she loved her job and loved the students. I miss you Dale! May her soul rest in peace and light perpetual shine upon her.
College Mourns the Loss of Emily "Dale" Lang Comment from madams on 02/27/06
Dale touched many lives!! I worked in the Towers Concourse until 2003,
and got to know Dale as a warm, open, wonderfully caring woman. My
heart goes out to her family. We will all miss Dale.
Peggy Adams
College Mourns the Loss of Emily "Dale" Lang Comment from esanson1 on 02/27/06
It is most unfortunate to hear of Dale's passing. Going to lunch at the Towers always had that extra special meaning seeing her there everyday. She always had something to say that could make you smile even on the worst of days. She had the most loving presence and she will be greatly missed. I am sad to see someone go that genuinely cared about the students. My sincerest wishes go out to her family & friends, thanks for sharing such a wonderful woman with us.
Also, I have to agree with Erin. It upsets me that this was not an alert, as I was also filled in by a fellow student who IM-ed me. Dale deserves the best, and I feel she was denied that by not sending out a separate intercom alert.
College Mourns the Loss of Emily "Dale" Lang Comment from mfahey1 on 02/27/06
I worked with Dale at the Towers for the last four years. She was like a grandmother to me, always watching out for me, and always sympathetic. She was so strong in the end. I'll miss her. I know I'll remember the last thing I said to her. "Have a good weekend, Dale." I wish it had been more, but at least it wasn't less. I hope she's happy wherever she is.
College Mourns the Loss of Emily "Dale" Lang Comment from ccharle1 on 02/27/06
I spoke to Dale everyday when I came into the dining hall. We spoke about many topics especially on family and school. Dale and I connected as if we were old friends. She helped me when my grandfather died. She told me that I will get through this and she gave me a hug. Her kind gestures meant a lot to me. Dale I will miss you.
God bless- Carmen
We will miss you Dale Comment from fchandra on 03/01/06
Dale was one of the first people who welcomed me to IC a few years ago. As soon as she learned that I was from California, she made it a point to check in with me to make sure that I was okay.

Two weeks ago, I was lucky enough to give Dale a hug, and tell her how much she meant to me. I know that she has touched many lives here at Ithaca.

FYI - there is a memory book for her in the Towers Dining Hall - if you get the chance, please take a few moments to share your thoughts and feelings for Dale. The book will be given to her family during break.