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Applications are available for a new student position in the Center for Student Leadership & Involvement and the Office of First Year Programs and Orientation. Candidates selected for the position will serve as Student Leadership Consultants for the 2006-07 academic year.

Student Leadership Consultants will work in conjunction with the Center for Student Leadership & Involvement and the Office of First Year Programs and Orientation to assist with the development, coordination, and implementation of all programs and services offered. Student Leadership Consultants will serve as ambassadors to the campus community and should represent the vision and values of the departments.

Through continuous education and training, Student Leadership Consultants will have the opportunity to expand their skills in the areas of training, advising, and consulting. They will obtain valuable knowledge and a significant level of experience that will be of great use long after they leave Ithaca College.

Please visit the Center for Student Leadership & Involvement in 319 Egbert Hall to pick up an application. All applications must be submitted by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 17. For more information, please call 274-3222 or e-mail Russell Martin, Programs & Activities Assistant, at

Student Leadership Consultant Applications Available in the CSLI | 0 Comments |
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