The Progressive Alliance wants to invite all IC community members to the first annual Give A Damn Fair!
The Progressive Alliance invites you to come to the 1st annual Give A
Damn Fair! Come learn about current legislation concerning human rights,
justice, peace, the environment, media, gender...and see how they are all
Make yourself heard at our Action table by wrting, calling, e-mailing your
elected officials.
Celebrate progressive victories and take part in continuing progressive
Food, action, education, drum circles!
Place: North Foyer
Date: March 1st 2006
Time: 9am-3pm.
The Progressive Alliance consists of Students for a Just Peace, IC Fair
Trade, IC Feminists, Buzzsaw Haircut, IC Environmental Society, Students
for Sustainability, Prism, Amnesty International, Boundless Ethics, and
Students Take Action Now in Darfur (S.T.A.N.D.).