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Tired of the same old microwave dinners in front of your tiny TV? Do you feel like you never have a chance to get out of your immediate surroundings? Get adventurous! The Bursar's Benefit Auction can enable you to be wined and dined at a fraction of the cost! Have we got some deals for you!

Are you someone who loves to try new wines? Well, wine, er, whine no more! If you are 21 or older, you will have the opportunity to bid on a wine extravaganza at Hazlitt Vineyards! The "Wine Experience for 10" package includes a special wine tasting in a private room for you and nine of your closest friends; for this, you will have many folks who claim to be your closest friends! Along with special appetizers and free souvenir glasses, you will be treated to a visit like none other. Love wine but would rather just cut to the chase? Dryden Wine and Spirits has donated French and German wines that will impress your friends when you serve them. That is, if you want to share.

Sick and tired of having to make a meal and then do extensive clean up, or taking the easy way out with fast food or microwave meals? Weep no more! The Bursar's Benefit Auction is offering all sorts of gift certificates to local eateries. If you are REALLY clever, in just one day you can have brunch for two at the Ramada Inn, lunch for two at Ragmann's, and $50 towards your dinner at the John Thomas Steakhouse! We are also featuring gift certificates from Lucatelli's, Lost Dog Cafe, Juna's Cafe, Papa John's and Uncle Joe's. Be daring and try them ALL out!

We are almost to the end of February, and March is auction month! If you haven't already done so, now is the time to finally put the auction date in your date book! The Bursar's Benefit Auction will be held Wednesday, March 29th in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center. The silent auction will run from 10 a.m. to noon, followed by the live auction, starring Sam Lapp and Duane Corbin as auctioneers beyond description, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. All funds raised will go to the Tompkins County SPCA and Hospice of Ithaca.

Still waffling on coming? One word: iPod! Don't forget the iPod raffle, the trademark chocolate basket raffle, and all the special gift baskets chocked full of goodies to be raffled off. Come on, it will be fun! Don't fight it, just come! See you there!

How to be Wined and Dined Cheaply | 0 Comments |
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