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Michael A. Malpass, Anthropology, is one of the authors on a multi-authored article

Michael A. Malpass, Anthropology, is one of the authors on a multi-authored article that will be published in the March 2, 2006 volume of the journal, "Nature." The paper is titled, "Early maize agriculture and interzonal interaction in southern Peru," by Linda Perry, Daniel H. Sandweiss, Dolores R. Piperno, Kurt Rademaker, Michael A. Malpass, Adan Umire, and Pablo de la Vera Cruz. The report describes the discovery of the earliest maize in the southern Andes and evidence of very early food exchange between the highlands, coast, and tropical forests of the central Andean region. Malpass was the co-director of the research project, which was partially funded by IC's Provost's Office.

Malpass Publishes Paper in Nature | 0 Comments |
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