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Sign-up now for the ice climbing trip by Friday, March 3rd at the Fitness Center Front Desk.

Looking for something fun to do the weekend after spring break? Want to learn an outdoor recreation skill which is more fun that rock climbing? Sign-up now for the ice climbing trip by Friday, March 3rd at the Fitness Center Front Desk. Participants will travel to the Adirondacks and the Potsdam Outdoor Pursuits Program will provide the instruction. The trip leaves Ithaca College on Friday, March 17th at 4pm and returns on Saturday, March 19th at midnight. The cost of the trip includes: transportation, lodging, instruction, equipment, breakfast and lunch. The price is $110, and payment can be made with either a check made out to Ithaca College or with cash, for this incredible opportunity to experience ice climbing.

Ice Climbing Trip -- Interested? Sign Up Now | 0 Comments |
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