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Career Services wishes to remind all interested students that the deadline to apply for opportunities offered through the Central New York Communications Consortium is Friday, March 3, 2006 at 11:59 p.m.

Students who wish to be considered for interview opportunities must do the following.

  • Visit the Consortium eRecruiting site to review the available jobs and internships.

  • Upload appropriate documents (i.e. resumes, cover letters, writing samples) to the eRecruiting site.

  • Apply for each opportunity that is of interest. This means submitting a resume, cover letter and writing sample (if required).

For complete information about the Consortium, please visit:

The Central New York Communcations Consortium will be held on April 10, 11, 12 at Syracuse University and is open to students of all majors. Registered companies include:

    ABC, Inc. (Info Fair only)
    Baer Consulting
    BBDO New York
    Bliss, Gouverneur & Associates
    CBS Radio
    The Citizen
    Clear Channel
    Clear Channel--Syracuse (Info Fair only)
    Cohn & Wolfe
    Conde Nast Publications
    Constituency Management Group (incl. Weber Shandwick, Golin Harris, Octagon and more!)
    Cooney/Waters Group
    Data Key Communications
    Eric Mower & Associates
    ESPN-Research & Sales Development
    Foote Cone & Belding-NYC
    Galaxy Communications (Info Fair only)
    GCI Group
    Grey Worldwide
    Initiative Media-North America
    Interep Radio
    Katz Media Group
    Manning Selvage & Lee
    McCann Erickson
    MediaVest Worldwide
    Modem Media
    NBC Universal
    NHL Productions
    New York Times Digital
    News 12 Long Island
    Nexstar Broadcasting
    Nielsen Media Research
    OMD (Info Fair only)
    Pearson Education (Info Fair only)
    TargetCast tcm
    Telerep, Inc.
    Universal McCann

From Career Services: Communications Consortium Application Deadline Approaching! | 0 Comments |
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