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Ithaca College Remains Open

Contributed by David Maley on 03/02/06 

After carefully considering weather and road conditions in Ithaca and surrounding areas for the remainder of this afternoon, Ithaca College has decided to remain open and working under normal operating conditions.

As noted in the Ithaca College Policy Manual, weather conditions, no matter how extreme, normally will not close the College when classes are in session. As a residential campus, we must consider the impact on students and employees in making any decision to close.

With the current weather conditions in mind, employees who wish to leave early may consult with their supervisor to determine if it is appropriate and possible to depart early. Employees who miss scheduled work time due to early departure may choose to make up the time, use personal or vacation time, or have a reduced paycheck if there are no accruals to use.

Classes or specific activities may be delayed or canceled without an official closing. The College has an Emergency Closing Hotline, (607) 274-1495, which may be called to find out updates and other essential information.

Ithaca College Remains Open | 8 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Ithaca College Remains Open Comment from aaleman1 on 03/02/06
This is so stupid. Heaven forbid the college close during inclement weather. Lame, Ithaca, real lame. Sorry that your employer is inconsiderate to your safety, professors.
Ithaca College Remains Open Comment from mluby1 on 03/02/06
Primarily residential campus or not, this decision is irresponsible. Will it really take a serious accident for one staff member or off-campus student for the college to re-examine its priorities? Why should employees of the college have to choose between personal safety and a day's pay? Basic safety has to come first. Period.
Ithaca College Remains Open Comment from bmcilro1 on 03/02/06
If the college wants to remain open they should be continuousely clearing steps and paths. I have a 16 mile drive home at 9:20 because college is staying open.
Ithaca College Remains Open Comment from nbeach1 on 03/02/06
I understand the college's decision to remain open. However, as someone who lives on campus and works off campus, I believe the college's care for parking lots, sidewalks and roadways has been abysmal. I can not even get my car out of my parking space near the Garden Apartments. The parking lot appears to have not been plowed once all day. During an open school day, during the school week, upkeep of roadways is essential to faculty, employees and students. Considering the college sits at the foot of the largest finger lake and in upstate New York, better maintenance of the roads and parking lots is expected. Also considering that the college is "residential," sidewalks are in terrible condition. But, the city of Ithaca doesn't take much better care of their roadways either. I guess Ithaca College is just fitting in. Have a safe and pleasant evening.
Ithaca College Remains Open Comment from drichar3 on 03/02/06
This school continues to make poor administrative decesions, this is a prime example. "Residential College" or not, the college should be concerned for the safety of those students not on campus, as well as the faculty. I would venture to say that no professors live on campus, but I suppose they're expendable. With the increased emphasis this college puts on attendence, I'd imagine many a student took on an unnecessary risk ro get to class today. If you're going to keep the school open, then at least make the campus roads and lots drivable! I can't get out of my parking space, much less across campus. When I do go on foot I walk through six inches of snow, followed by large green puddles filled with whatever "de-icer" this school uses. Big thumbs down IC.
(And no, i'm not just trying to get out of class, I didn't even have class today [thursday], but I was certainly concerned for my friends who live off-campus)
Ithaca College Remains Open Comment from akushne1 on 03/02/06
It will take a lawsuit or death for them to consider taking a look at how things are being run. Sad but true I'm afraid. My .o2
Ithaca College Remains Open Comment from mwebste2 on 03/02/06
I have to agree with people who have commented before me. If you are going to keep the college open in inclement weather, than you must provide safe ways for both faculty and students to get to class. It is ridiculous for this college to expect good attendance on days when the snow is bad if the sidewalks and the steps (especially) are not kept clear.

At no point yesterday did I walk on a shovelled/plowed sidewalk. Throwing some salt on a pile of snow in front of a door no one can get to is not good enough. The roads on campus were only minimally better than the walkways and many people had to resort to walking in them, despite the hazards that presents. Parking lots were never cleared out, people couldn't move their can you possibly hope to function in those conditions?

Remember that most of your students walk to class through the sidewalks you don't maintain in heavy snow. Remember that you do have students with physical disabilities who already have a hard time getting to class because of the way this campus is laid out. Your faculty and staff has to get up and down a hill that may or may not be driveable.

I just hope no one gets hurt as you continue keeping this place open in bad weather with a poor plowing system.
Ithaca College Remains Open Comment from mcooney1 on 03/03/06
Was it stupid of me to assume that the College would clean up parking lots and clear sidewalks/stairs before classes began this morning? Apparently it was! I drove to campus early just incase I couldn't find a spot, and I'm glad I did because the lots were no better than yesterday. I ended up following somebody until they got in their car in front of Park. The sidewalks on the dividers in the parking lot looked like they had not been touched at all! There was a path of packed snow where everyone had walked, and that was it. The stairs outside of park heading towards the CC weren't cleared, and I found it easier to walk on the road rather than the sidewalk to get to Williams.

I'm from Syracuse, which usually gets twice the ammount of snow that Ithaca does. I've been to Syracuse University and LeMoyne College on days like yesterday and the roads/sidewalks were wet, not snow covered. I'm not exactly sure of the overall size comparisons, but SU is at least 3x the size of IC and I can't believe that a relatively small college can't keep the sidewalks passable.