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The City of Ithaca has asked Ithaca College to remind students who are leaving town for Spring Break that they should not leave their cars parked on city streets.

The City of Ithaca rigorously enforces its odd/even parking regulation and its 24-hour parking regulation. Vehicles that remain in the street and have not moved in 72 hours could be considered abandoned and become subject to towing. In addition to an $80 towing fee, local towing companies charge $25 per day for vehicle storage.

Every year, a number of students return from Spring Break to find that their car has been towed and they must pay a large fee to retrieve it. People in need of long-term parking arrangements can call the City Chamberlain’s Office at 274-6580 to inquire about the availability of long-term parking permits in the Seneca Street Parking Garage.

Questions regarding the parking regulations in effect in specific neighborhoods can be forwarded to Tim Logue, Transportation Engineer, at 274-6530, or the City Clerk’s Office at 274-6570.

Students Reminded of City Parking Regulations Over Spring Break | 0 Comments |
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