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I am writing to inform you that Fred Vanderburgh, senior assistant director for the construction planning and design area of physical plant has announced that he will be retiring from Ithaca College.

Fred is a renowned taxidermist and has the chance to pursue that and other exciting opportunities in this field of expertise. He will be taking on these opportunities immediately but has agreed to continue work, through May 31, 2006, on two projects, the School of Business building, and the move of our Physical Therapy program from the University of Rochester to another location in the Rochester area. Any questions regarding all other ongoing or new construction/renovation projects should be directed to Rick Couture, Director, Physical Plant.

I want to thank Fred for his dedicated service and hard work for the past almost 19 years. I know that all of you join me in wishing him well in his new endeavors.

Fred Vanderburgh Announces Retirement | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Fred Vanderburgh Announces Retirement Comment from dmistler on 03/14/06
Are you planning a retirement function surrounding his leaving?