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On Sunday, March 26, Ithaca College's Students for a Just Peace will present a special exhibition of political cartoons by an Israeli and a Palestinian artist. The exhibition will be held in the space on the Commons across from the store Unique World, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Food and entertainment will be provided.

This art exhibition is the kick-off to a week of events entitled "Know Occupation: Israel/Palestine." Information about the rest of the week will be available at the exhibition. Nicole Brierre and Haley Singer, members of Students for a Just Peace, traveled to Israel/Palestine this past December and January. They met and interviewed Israeli cartoonist Amitai Sandy from Tel Aviv. Three of his works will be on display. In addition, the Haley and Nicole met and interviewed Palestinian cartoonist Loui Jameel from Azarya in the West Bank. Five of his works will be on display.

For questions or additional information contact Students for a Just Peace, Nicole Brierre at

Opening Exhibition of Israeli and Palestinian Political Cartoons | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Opening Exhibition of Israeli and Palestinian Political Cartoons Comment from jkatz1 on 03/16/06
I hope for the sake of the city of Ithaca that nowhere in this dispay is there a caricature of the Prophet Mohommad.
Opening Exhibition of Israeli and Palestinian Political Cartoons Comment from dmccare1 on 03/16/06
In response to the point made by Mr. Katz, as a representative of Students for a Just Peace, I can assure you that our organization would not be as foolish as to include a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed. Please attend this event and I am sure that you will benefit from your experience.