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Alumni Board Comes to Campus

Contributed by Graham Stewart on 03/15/06 

The Ithaca College Alumni Association Board of Directors returns to campus for meetings this weekend, March 17-19.

This is one of three annual meetings the board holds each year. This weekend the Board will hold a retreat at La Tourelle, meet with student scholarship recipients and student leaders, discuss upcoming strategic plans, and hold a business meeting.

The Alumni Association Board represents more than 45,000 graduates and nearly 60,000 alumni across the country and in 20 countries. The Board consists of 24 alumni and one student director who is elected for a two-year term. The board is currently seeking nominations for Student Director. A cover letter and resume is due to the alumni office before March 31.

If you have any questions about the Board’s schedule or the student director position, contact Graham Stewart at 4-3466.

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